What Does It Feel Like to Truly Be Myself?
Defining What You
Feel & Believe is
Key to Healing
Harmony in Healthy Living
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About Your Food
Join Me In This Space Where
I'm Allowed to Open My Heart
Defining What You Feel & Believe is Key to Healing
Next Level Lessons About Your Food
Join Me in this Space Where I'm Allowed to Open My Heart
If I’m going to live, I’m going to do it for my baby and allow him to have a mother by his side.
My intention behind being here: In second grade, I visually can view my body sitting in the corner of my public school classroom. I was reading and rereading a story I had written. As I read I could see vibrant colors, the canyon that we were hiking through, the whistling breeze flowing through the trees […]
“The most repressed and denied aspects of our soul…[are] often the treasure that lies buried in the darkness.” -Carl Jung
These underlying messages about the body were subtle, but the way that the body and clothing were spoken about (by my dad especially) was laced with a message that, “It isn’t safe to be seen”.