My Personal Invitation

A Sense of Home, More About Me, Nourish, Truth and Discovery

Hi, my name is Cami. I created this website around STORY. It first started with my story around chronic illness and emotional pain. But that was never the end goal, or my vision. I wanted to hear more stories about other’s recovery. So here is my invitation to you. Can you share with me part […]

Healing: An Inner Story Of Grief

More About Me, Truth and Discovery

“The most repressed and denied aspects of our soul…[are] often the treasure that lies buried in the darkness.” -Carl Jung

3 Questions I Had Regarding My Body

More About Me, Truth and Discovery

These underlying messages about the body were subtle, but the way that the body and clothing were spoken about (by my dad especially) was laced with a message that, “It isn’t safe to be seen”.

Modesty in Biblical Context

More About Me, Truth and Discovery

When I was being raised, culturally the word modesty was meant to cover up your skin. I can’t even imagine where this concept even came from.