Traditional yoga encourages long-straight lines, while bowstring creates more curves, and many of the poses are done with bent limbs to encourage activation in the glute area. These movements strengthen the bodily structure and encourage space in the natural airways and spinal columns. These movements allows expansion and more space. 1
Whether you are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, have had a concussion, or had adverse events in childhood, investigating brain training modalities could be a great idea! In all actuality, modern brain research, neuroplasticity suggests that the brain’s has the ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function throughout life. 2
For links to additional resources, or to find a avenue that may work for you, click here
Utilizing different breathing techniques, programs, and exercises in an effort to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. These exercises focus on your conscious awareness of your inhales and exhales. This modality can be practiced in a group setting, similar to a yoga class guided by an instructor.
There are apps available that will guide your through breathwork practices. Cold plunging is an example of a alternative therapy that utilized the breath to help through the uncomfortable sensations and feeling.
A biological dentist understands that the mouth and body are connected and that illness or disease that occurs inside the body may have direct affect of the health of the mouth, or vise versa. A biological dentist address factors such as stress, diet, and sleep patterns have a direct impact on oral inflammation and disease.
A biological dentist will take a holistic approach while diagnosing, preventing, treating, and maintaining oral health using natural therapies.
Oral health most likely has an impact if dealing with a chronic disease. To find a biological dentist near you, click here
The eye-movement technique is used in traditional therapy settings. The eyes can be invited to move by following the therapist’s cues. Often a vibrator is used pulsing left side of the body, and then right side of the body. Sound can also instigate the eye movement.
The intention behind this technique is to review a past event while the brain is processing in an altered state. It may instigate a calming effect, so the memory is processed differently. It may bring different recall to the specific memory.
Grounding can be done by walking barefoot, laying in the grass, or using grounding systems that are sold online.
Grounding is based on the idea that the Earth’s electrical charges can positively impact your health, mood, and body. Some research suggests that grounding can:
Reduce inflammation, ease stress, improve sleep, improve mood, improve blood flow, and reduce pain. 3
“Many childhood experiences have become, of necessity deeply buried in the unconscious during the process of developing one’s adult personality. This separation or distancing from one’s childhood is no longer needed when the adult personality is fully and securely formed, but by then, the distancing has for most people become a part of that very personality.
Separation from one’s childhood is temporarily necessary, but if it is permanently maintained it deprives us of inner experiences, which when restored to us, can keep us young in spirit and also permit greater closeness to our children.” 4
There comes a time during a person’s healing work when they would like to investigate and fully understand their unique spiritual traits and authentic personality. This is where Inner Child Work is introduced into a healing practice.
Grieving what once was, and what was lost is a normal part of this experiential journey. Many experts are in the field of phycology and spirituality are exploring their own returning to the child who was once buried, but still is alive within them. To find support or a course to reach out to a younger you, click here
The supplementation of Iron and Iron Fortified Foods contribute to chronic illness according to the pro-metabolic movement.
For additional resources to rebalance minerals and lower the amount of iron load in the body, click here
A non-invasive treatment that encourages the brain to develop healthier patterns of activity. The goal of treatment is not only to change how you think and feel, but also to change your brain on a biological level for better functioning. 5
I wrote about my experience with neurofeedback. Blog post linked here:
Ozone gas is composed of three oxygen atoms, has potent antimicrobial properties that can combat viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
It is believed to help boost the body’s natural healing process by stimulating circulation and improving cellular respiration. In general, ozone is introduced to the body either through intravenous infusion, ozone sauna, direct injection into the body. These treatments are generally administered in functional medicine clinics. Biological Dentists generally utilize ozone.
Benefits of ozone therapy include improved circulation, increased oxygen levels in cells, and stimulation of the immune system. It may also help reduce inflammation and pain associated with a variety of medical conditions. 6
To find a provider of ozone therapy in your area google “ozone therapy infusion”.
There is physical therapy training to help stregthen and help the functionality return to the body. But it is important to know that their are specilaist that are trained to assist women in stregthening their pelvic floor in order to hold their organs in the correct place. This can help with proper digestion.
There are trauma informed physical therapist, to aid in healing from sexual abuse, and to help strengthen the women’s body pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy. They are also trained to heal women who have suffered in the birthing process and are left with unmanageable conditions postpartum.
Resources are linked here:
Postural Restoration is a unique type of physical therapy that addresses the body’s postural position and the potential muscular imbalances which lead to pain. Postural Restoration explains how all the pieces of the body – the shoulder, the neck, the back, the hip, the knee and the foot … have to work together to function properly. It does not claim to have all of the puzzles pieces, which I deeply appreciate, but often the therapists rely upon integrating various specialists including dentists, optometrists and podiatrists. 7
I was first introduced to this therapy via youtube, searching “Hip Jaw Connection”. It was the therapy that provided the link the two (hips and jaw).
To find someone who specializes in Postural Restoration click the link below.
If you struggle with an addiction, PTSD symptoms or chronic depression, you may need support to reconnect with the body again. These are indicators that the pain was too much for us to handle, so removing ourselves from our bodies by ways of numbing or extreme disassociation (feeling removed from the body) what our best way of coping at the time.
‘Soma’ is a Greek word for ‘the living body known from within’, or known to the Self. This ‘knowing’, or returning to the body, signifies wholeness. 8
Somatic therapy is an experiential approach towards gently connecting the mind with the body again.
For additional resources and to find a therapist, click here
A holistic approach to trauma defines trauma not as an event, but rather as a disruption and overwhelm to our body-mind’s capacity to adapt, thrive, and flourish.9
If you have an illness in mind, or another subject that you want to read about, but did not find it on this list, I have an additional directory linked here:
Hi, I’m Cami
The creator of this website!
After years of my own physical struggles, I started recording my personal story. As I wrote, it was natural to reference the therapies that I used through my own healing process.
In a healing journey it becomes a gift to recognize that some healing modalities cost money, and some are completely free and magically drop into your lap.
If I have any advice for someone who is just starting a “healing journey”, I would say:
“Trust God. Don’t limit the power held in your untold stories. God knows you and he knows that you are unique. There are healing clues in the stories that you have never told anyone.
AND, the people that you are supposed to be working with will believe you. They will believe your story, and they will begin to help you see that you have keys to help restore your body.”
This blog was born with my own desire to figure out what was wrong with me. After I took the leap of writing down my story, I was able to find the most wonderful people that had skills to help me connect my story to my symptoms. It’s amazing finding people that have a spiritual reason for being in their profession, and their spirit is a guiding light for them.
I look for these type of “specialist” now. Those who can guide me to the unique needs that my body has.
I believe that creating the guide above, has been a gift–for free, from me, but gathering this information took years of careful combing through information, as well as sifting through my own heartaches, emotional responses.
I hope that it was of some service to you–especially recognizing that you are not alone in your healing journey! It is my greatest desire is that you will return to this website and share some of your own personal story of resolutions, that began with the experience of pain.
Pain and transformation brought me to this space. I invite you to see your pain as an invitation to your body. I believe it has the skill to heal, as you turn to your own innate goodness!
Thank you!
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